Websites, blogs, podcasts, and other publications are spreading the word about Thursday Night Pizza! Here's the latest TNP press from New York Magazine, The Kitchn,, NBC, Buzzfeed, and more.
(Updated 8/7/24)
I'm quoted as one of the pizza-making experts for an article in New York Magazine titled "The 8 Best Pizza Stones, Steels, and Irons," written by Jonathan Deutsch
Interviewed about finding good recipes online by Wisconsin Public Radio (October, 2023)
2-part interview with Eidref Laxa on the What's Good Dough podcast (2023):
I wrote this guide for choosing baking stones/steels and pizza peels for
My love letter to an $8 dough mixing tool was published on
I shared advice for choosing, using, and troubleshooting pizza peels in this article by Hannah Sellinger
Pizza al Fresco, my article about making pizza outside published in Edible Philly's Summer 2021 edition
Twice-Grilled Margherita Pizza featured on
Recipes from my cookbook featured on an episode of Food Network's Experimental Eats video series
Fresh Corn Pizza & Thai Curry Pizza featured on Buzzfeed
Featured on the Local Mouthful podcast
Colcannon Pizza featured on Sweet Paul Magazine's website